
Drumming to the rhythm of your heartbeat

Drumming is a form of non verbal communicating  and offers a  
powerful way to express feelings, emotions and relief from stress.
  • Mastering the skills enables communication on the most basic human level  by focusing on speed, volume and your power.


  • We mentor how to use fingers, hands, fists, ellbows and natural elements to find your rhythm and beat.
  • Mindfullness is enhanced  and ability developed to listen carefully to other  members in the team.
"Drumming lessons have health advantages such as strengthening your body’s immune system and lowering stress. Other benefits include the release of negative emotions, the creation of community, harmony with others, integration, psychological, spiritual and physical healing."
Recent research by  Barry Bittman, M.D.
Tel+41 77 439 55 82
Forest Events - Eric Alan Westacott